Feb 10, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading System


The School of Dentistry uses the letter grades of “A”, “B”, “C” and “F” for final course grades.  Numerical values are approved by the General Faculty Assembly and published in the LSUSD Student Handbook of Policies and Procedures. 

The LSUSD Grading Scale is:

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

F= 69 and below

I= Incomplete

Final grades are awarded by the assigned course director.

The “F” grade denotes failure of the course.

The “I” grade denotes failure to complete the course for verified reasons beyond the student’s control at the time grades for the course are reported.  The deficiency must be removed by the student at which time the “I” will be converted to the letter grade the student has earned.

For the Programs in Dentistry, Dental Hygiene and Dental Laboratory Technology, the grades of “A”, “B” and “C” indicate passing work, with “A” being the highest grade given.

For the Programs in Advanced Dental Education, a final grade of “A” or “B” must be earned in each course in the resident’s department of study. A final grade of “C” or above must be earned in all other required courses. Required courses in which less than the minimum grade is earned must be retaken or, at the discretion of the course director, with approval from the Program Director, appropriate remedial work and/or testing may be assigned to assure that the minimum knowledge and grade is achieved for the course.

Pass/Fail Grades

The Pass/Fail grading system applies in certain required courses, as well as in all selective courses, and the criteria are specified in the evaluation section of the individual course outlines.

For the Program in Dentistry, when a “Pass” grade is awarded, the student earns the clock hour value of the course; however, should a “Fail” grade be incurred, the clock hours are charged against the GPA as an “F” would in any letter-graded course.

For the Programs in Advanced Dental Education, Dental Hygiene and Dental Laboratory Technology, the student earns the credit hour value of the course; however, should a “Fail” grade be incurred, the credit hours are charged against the GPA as an “F” would in any letter-graded course.