Feb 10, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 
Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



All students must comply with the general Health Sciences Center provisions governing registration as specified in the general information section of the catalog/bulletin.

Students accepted may register for courses. Registration dates and Calendars/Schedules are available: http://nursing.lsuhsc.edu/StudentInformation/.

Registration before or after the final date published must be by permission of the faculty advisor and Dean or the Associate Dean. A student may add courses for credit, make section changes, or drop courses with approval of the advisor and Dean or the Associate Dean within the periods provided.

A student registered at any campus of the LSU System may not receive credit in the LSU System for work taken concurrently at another college or university without prior written approval of the Associate Dean or the Dean. Requests should be submitted to the Admissions, Progression, and Graduation Committee in time to allow for a regularly scheduled meeting. Students are encouraged to take supporting courses offered at the Health Sciences Center.

Academic Advisement

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor once enrolled in the School of Nursing. The faculty advisor will assist in selecting the proper courses in the student’s Plan of Study and monitoring the student’s progression. A student should feel free to contact the advisor for assistance at any time. Advising appointments are highly encouraged prior to registration.

Student Responsibility

Students are expected to be fully acquainted with the organization and policies of the School of Nursing, the Health Sciences Center, and the Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN).

Health Requirements

Prior to registration, all students must send a completed Medical History and Physical Examination form to the Student Health Coordinator:

Student Health Services
2020 Gravier Street, 7th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 525-4839
Fax: (504) 1-866-814-9706

All students must provide proof of immunity by submitting positive titers for: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella and Hepatitis B to Student Health and CastleBranch prior to entering/enrolling in the School of Nursing. An annual Influenza (flu) vaccination and Tb skin test are required to enroll and progress in clinical courses.  Students must have IgG quantitative serum titers results, a numerical laboratory value accompanied by the ranges utilized at that processing laboratory indicating the actual degree of immunity to a disease(s) for Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Varicella, and Hepatitis B Surface AB (Hep B). All students must either provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or request a religious/medical exemption.



Leave of Absence

Student requesting a leave of absence must provide documentation and obtain all required approvals. The Program Director, Associate Dean, and Dean must approve/sign all leave of absence requests. The approved leave of absence requests and any documentation provided by the student are filed in the student academic record in the Office of Student Affairs.

Resignation / Withdrawal Re-entry School /  Re-admission Policy

A student resigning from the School of Nursing must present the resignation in writing, stating the reason(s) for resigning from the School of Nursing and the academic program. The letter of resignation is presented to the faculty advisor and/or program director. The faculty advisor or the program director will assist in completing the proper procedures for resignation/withdrawal. The forms are forwarded to SON Office of Student Affairs and the Registrar’s Office of the Health Sciences Center. Resignations, withdrawals from a course(s), or dropping a course(s), will receive a grade as stated in the applicable section, Undergraduate or Graduate Scholastic Requirements - Grading Policy. An exit interview with the Program Director, Associate Dean, or the Dean is required.

Student withdrawing from all courses and remaining out of the program for more than two semesters and is interested in re-applying for admission must file a new application and submit an application fee. An appointment with the Program Director to discuss re-admission and the application process is required.

Students who have been accepted and enrolled in the School of Nursing must maintain continuous registration and enrollment. If a student needs to withdraw for a semester, and meets eligibility requirements to re-enter, the student must meet with the Program Director. The Program Director will advise and provide the petition form. The student must petition the Admissions, Progression, and Graduation (AP&G) Committee for re-entry. Petition(s) must be submitted the semester prior to the semester in which the student wishes to re-enter.

Attendance Policy

Students enrolled in the School of Nursing are expected to regularly and punctually attend all classes, labs and clinical experiences. Students are required to make advanced arrangements for unavoidable absences with the appropriate faculty.  An absence, or notification of an absence, does not relieve the student of the responsibility of meeting all course requirements. Each course will identify the number of absences compatible with course objective completion, as outlined in each course syllabi. If excessive absences occur, as specified in the course syllabus, the student will be administratively dropped from the course, without an opportunity to make up the clinical time.

Dress Code Policy

The School of Nursing has a dress code policy for all undergraduate students. All students are expected to adhere to the SON Dress Code Policy. A professional and business-like appearance is expected of all students, on the LSUHSC/SON campus and in the clinical practice area. For dress code information, please consult the Student Handbook.

Certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

All students are required to maintain current certification in basic life support (BLS) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Course is the accepted course. Students must provide the current certification prior to the start of each semester and must remain current throughout the entire semester. CPR classes are offered through the Continuing Nursing Education Department of the School of Nursing.


Personal Health Insurance and Needle Stick Insurance 
All students are required to maintain personal health insurance and needlestick insurance.

Professional Liability Insurance
All students are required to maintain professional liability insurance.

Student Financial Aid

A summary of all provisions governing available financial aid to students of the LSUHSC are located under the heading “TYPES OF STUDENT FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE.” The LSUHSC provides financial aid counseling and processing services. Contact the Office of Financial Aid (504) 568-4820 for questions. All students receiving financial aid must complete a Financial Aid exit interview before degrees are conferred. The Financial Aid exit interview is a degree requirement.