Mar 02, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2020-2021 
Catalog/Bulletin 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


[3 Credits]
This course is designed for students in the epidemiology PhD program who already have a solid grounding in epidemiology and have experience in advance epidemiologic methods. This course builds upon the concepts and methods acquired in EPID 6210, EPID 6211, EPID 6226, and EPID 7200. It provides an integrated overview and specific applied experience in areas not covered in these courses as well as more in-depth coverage of key areas critical to doctoral level research. Students will gain knowledge in identifying complex methodological problems in different areas of epidemiologic research including common methods across the different epidemiology concentrations (e.g., Clinical Epidemiology, Pharmacoepidemiology, and Surveillance Epidemiology) as well at those methods unique to the individual areas of epidemiology. Student will increase their knowledge and experience with accounting for missing data, multiple exposures, and multilevel determinants of disease. The prerequisites for enrollment is EPID 7200 or instructor permission.