Mar 02, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HPSM 6291 - MEDICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT[1 Credit] This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to key management issues facing contemporary physicians and medical groups. The course will include an overview of physician organization and a detailed operational overview of the various managerial elements within a well-run physician practice. The specific management areas covered in this course include an overview of the marketplace’s structural makeup and variety of practice settings; the importance of strategic thinking and action; and operational essentials of practice management including, but not limited to, financial operations, billing and collection, managed care, quality of care, electronic health records, staffing, marketing, legal and regulatory matters, and career planning. The special role of Medicare and Medicaid in determining payment polices will be examined in depth, as well as physician response to those policies.