Feb 10, 2025
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025
ENHS 6253 - GEOSPATIAL HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT[3 Credits] The purpose of the ENHS public health course entitled Geospatial Health and Environment is (1) to provide health, medical, and health sciences graduate students with an introduction to medical applications of the geospatial sciences and related environmental issues; (2) to link new tools in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (GIS/RS) to environmental and geospatial risk factors that determine the spatial distribution and prevalence of disease, (3) understand the fundamental concepts of landscape epidemiology and the basis for ecological niche modeling of disease agents, (4) develop technical skills needed for application of GIS/RS decision support systems in prevention, control and health education programs, and (5) integrate course concepts and skills by development and presentation of a class project that applying GIS/RS to a disease issue of public health importance.