Mar 01, 2025  
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025 
Catalog/Bulletin 2024-2025

Department of Interdisciplinary Human Studies

Human Development Center

Philip Wilson, PhD
Program Director

LOCATION: 411 S. Prieur Street
PHONE: (504) 556-7573
FAX: (504) 556-7574

The mission of the Human Development Center (HDC) is to promote knowledge and practices related to enhancing the realization of human potential. HDC is a statewide resource emphasizing interdisciplinary and interagency approaches to systems change and program development in topics of health, inclusive child care, education, employment, and community participation. Each year faculty, staff, and students associated with HDC accomplish activities of personnel preparation, technical assistance, research, service demonstration, and dissemination of information to sites throughout Louisiana and beyond. A special emphasis of the Center is on developing and sharing information about effective services and supports for people with disabilities. HDC provides the infrastructure for operation of the Department of Interdisciplinary Human Studies and conducts specialized projects. Under the Department, other centers and programs related to the mission of HDC are operated.

 The Department of Interdisciplinary Human Studies is the academic home for most faculty assigned to HDC and is responsible for teaching selected interdisciplinary courses.

 The Louisiana University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is a member of the national network of 67 such centers. Federal law directs these centers to accomplish (1) interdisciplinary training; (2) outreach, model demonstration, training, and technical assistance, (3) research, and (4) dissemination of information related to developmental disabilities (see P.L. 106-402 for details).  HDC employs about 40 faculty and staff, representing a variety of disciplines who carry out the center’s projects and activities.

For more detailed information on the programs offered by the Human Development Center go to our homepage at or email HDC at:

Background of the Human Development Center

The Louisiana University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) was established as a University Affiliated Program (UAP) in 1972 when the LSU Medical Center received a federal grant offered under provisions of what is now the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. At that time, federal law mandated UCEDDs to accomplish systems change through activities of interdisciplinary personnel preparation, outreach, research, and dissemination of information related to meeting needs of people with disabilities. The Louisiana UCEDD was placed within the Human Development Center (HDC) with approval of the Board of Regents in 1984. In accordance with expectations for UCEDDs, our center has been active across the life span and has striven to demonstrate, teach, and disseminate effective practices for building on opportunities and meeting challenges of people with disabilities so they benefit from increased independence, productivity, and inclusion in their communities.

Particular programmatic strengths of our Center that have brought national recognition to Louisiana include (a) demonstration models of infant services, (b) interdisciplinary training (c) research in early intervention, community participation of adults with severe disabilities, supported employment, and early intervention (d) training and technical assistance in community-based models of adult services, (e) pre-doctoral internship experiences for school psychologists, (f) statewide transition systems-change, (g) training and providing technical assistance to supported employment and other direct support personnel, and (h) national leadership in developing special education monitoring procedures.

Interagency and Collaborative Arrangements of the Human Development Center

Faculty and leadership of the Center work closely with other state and national resources related to the development of human potential. As the University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities for Louisiana, HDC is actively engaged with the national network of 67 such Centers. Network members frequently share expertise or information and often collaborate in developing grant-funded projects to benefit our States. These collaborative efforts provide opportunities for meeting objectives of HDC and provide benefits for Louisiana and collaborating states.

HDC maintains close and productive relationships with state and local agencies including the Department of Health and Hospitals, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, Louisiana Rehabilitation Services, Office of Public Health, Children’s Special Health Services, State Department of Education, many Local Education Agencies, Department of Social Services, and related offices. We also are proud of our collaborative relationships with the President’s Committee on Mental Retardation - Louisiana Team, Arc of Louisiana, local Arcs, Head Start agencies, childcare agencies, public and private schools, and adult service agencies throughout our State.

We are pleased to collaborate extensively with our fellow Developmental Disabilities programs authorized by the federal Developmental Disabilities legislation. That is, we engage in strategic planning and a wide range of program development activities with the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council and the Advocacy Center. Together we work to promote systems development and implement programs to increase services, supports, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities in the communities of their choice.

HDC maintains formal and informal arrangements with numerous units of higher education in Louisiana and across

the United States. Students and faculty in various disciplines participate in instructional offerings and supervised practices offered within clinical and other programs of HDC. We collaborate with Delgado Community College in instructional programs including early intervention, Direct Support Personnel preparation, and post-secondary education options for persons with intellectual disabilities. Other collaborative activities are developed as opportunities allow.

Requirements for Participation in Activities of the Human Development Center

Most of the programs of HDC present opportunities for students and faculty to learn, practice, or investigate topics of human development, particularly as it relates to practices of health, education, and human services and systems change. In the United States, the predominate models of health and human services involve multi- or interdisciplinary activities of screening, diagnosing, planning, and delivering services. To be fully prepared for success, personnel preparing for careers in health, education, and human services need to learn vocabularies, skills, and practices that include working in interdisciplinary teams and collaborating with clients and their families. The instructional and clinical programs of HDC provide faculty and students with opportunities for developing skills related to working effectively in various interdisciplinary settings.

Learning experiences at HDC are designed to allow students to acquire new skills and directly apply what they have learned in various professional settings. We provide courses for credit, supervised practice, internships, sabbatical, and involvement in research, independent study, continuing education, in-service training, and brief instructional sessions. There are opportunities for “hands on” training experiences for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled with the LSU Health Sciences Center and other units of higher education. Usually, experiences of students at HDC are guided by an individualized training plan developed cooperatively among the student, faculty of the sending department, and Center faculty. This plan will specify the activities, supervision, and evaluation criteria that apply to the student while enrolled with HDC.

We encourage interested students to contact their faculty advisor, the HDC Director, or the HDC Training Coordinator for more information, or visit the HDC web site for information.

Research Opportunities for Students and Faculty

HDC Faculty engage in a wide range of studies related to human development. Ongoing research by HDC faculty includes studies of physical and behavioral development, intervention methods, and training strategies. Recent research activities include early intervention practices; policies and practices in transition from school-to-work; methods of positive behavioral support; issues in supervision and management of community-based services; benefits education and management, supported employment instructional methods for in-service and pre-service teaching; intervention practices for individuals with Autism; and, manpower needs in public schools. Students interested in these or other areas are invited to participate in research or initiate their own studies under supervision of faculty at HDC. Student involvement with HDC researchers and collaboration with faculty outside of HDC in studies conducted at HDC is strongly encouraged. Contact your faculty advisor or the Human Development Center for more information.

* This statement was developed and adopted by the Consumer Advisory Council for the Louisiana UCEDD. An advisory committee is required for UCEDDERSs by federal law (P.L. 106-402).