Catalog/Bulletin 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing, BSN
The LSUHSC SON offers three concentrations of study for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The Traditional BSN concentration is a three-year program of study. The Career Alternative RN Education (CARE) concentration is an accelerated < two (2) years program of study. The RN to BSN is a one-year articulation concentration. (See Curriculum Plan Section). The BSN program of study is fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing. Upon graduation, a student is eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX-RN) examination for licensure.
A student must attend a regionally accredited college or university to complete the required pre-nursing courses. While enrolled in pre-nursing courses, the student may apply for admission through NursingCAS.
The purpose of the Baccalaureate curriculum is to prepare the graduate for the role of nurse generalist as the provider, designer, manager, and coordinator of care. The Baccalaureate degree is the first professional degree, preparing graduates as members of the nursing profession. Central to the curriculum are the theoretical concepts, values, and skills involved in health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention, and illness and disease management, including technical skills, skills in critical thinking, communication, and assessment. Knowledge of nursing theory, research, health care systems and policy, information and health care technologies, ethics in practice, human diversity, and global health care is included. Curriculum Outcomes
- Synthesize knowledge from the sciences and humanities in professional nursing practice.
- Integrate the core values into interactions with patients/clients, colleagues, other professionals, and the public.
- Integrate the knowledge and skills required in health promotion, risk prevention, prevention of illness and disease, and illness management in providing professional nursing care to individuals, families, population groups, and communities.
- Develop essential skills, knowledge and abilities necessary to function as a professional nurse.
- Formulate knowledge of information technologies, healthcare technologies, ethics, human diversity, global healthcare, and healthcare systems and policy in providing nursing care.
- Assist the patient/client through the healthcare system integrating the skills of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, negotiation, delegation, coordination, and evaluation of interdisciplinary work and the application of outcome-based practice models.
- As life-long learners, design a plan for professional development in response to trends and issues in healthcare, changing nursing roles, and the impact of these on patients/ clients.
Academic and Admissions Counseling
Academic and admissions counseling is encouraged prior to applying. Please email the Office of Student Affairs to schedule an academic or admissions appointment. Admissions
Consideration for admission to the School of Nursing is open to all persons meeting all admission criteria. Students interested in the undergraduate nursing program must complete pre-nursing courses at any accredited college or university. Students may apply for admission to the nursing program while enrolled in the final semester or after successfully completing all the required pre-nursing courses. Admission Process
The LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans School of Nursing participates in a Centralized Application Service for Nursing Programs (NursingCAS). Applicants applying to the BSN program must apply online using the NursingCAS application. For more information, please visit www.nursingcas.org. - Admission to the baccalaureate program is very competitive.
- Meeting the minimum academic requirements DOES NOT guarantee admission to the School of Nursing.
- All applicants acceped for admission are required to attend new student and level orientation.
- Additional information may be found on the School of Nursing website: http://nursing.lsuhsc.edu
Admissions, Progression, and Graduation (AP&G) members admit classes each Fall and Spring for Traditional BSN concentration. The RN to BSN concentration admits in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. The CARE concentration admits only in the Fall. AP&G members will only review eligible application packets. Packets must include all of the following: - Completed application form
- Application fee
- Official transcripts from every college or university attended
The AP&G admission decision will be sent in writing to all applicants no later than mid-May for the Fall semester admission or mid-November for the Spring semester admission. Types of Admission
Unconditional Admission: granted to applicants who meet all requirements for admission to the program. Probationary Admission: granted to applicants not meeting all admission criteria; the applicant shows promise for success based on the applicant’s merits. Provisional Admission: granted to applicants unable to submit the required credentials by the deadline. Students granted provisional admission must submit credentials within 30 days of the first day of class. BSN Admission Requirements
- All applicants accepting admission are required to attend new student and level orientation.
- Additional information may be found on the School of Nursing website: http://nursing.lsuhsc.edu
Traditional BSN Program
- Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all pre-nursing courses.
- A grade of B or better must be achieved in all science pre-nursing courses. A grade of C or better must be achieved in all non-science prerequisite courses. If a student receives a D or F in a pre-nursing course, it may be repeated only once. Failure of any pre-nursing course twice makes an applicant ineligible for admission.
- Preference will be given to applicants completing pre-nursing courses in the LSU System.
- Applicants must complete 16 hours of the required pre-nursing courses by application deadline.
- All 37 hours of pre-nursing courses must be completed before beginning the nursing curriculum. Information on the pre-nursing courses may be located on the School of Nursing website.
- The Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) Admission Assessment exam A² from Evolve Testing & Remediation is required for admission to the Traditional BSN Program. Information on the entrance exam may be located on the School of Nursing website.
CARE BSN Concentration
- An earned Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in any field.
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all prerequisite courses.
- A grade of B or better must be achieved in all science prerequisite courses. A grade of C or better must be achieved in all non-science prerequisite courses. If a student receives a D or F in a prerequisite course, it may be repeated only once. Failure of any prerequisite course twice makes an applicant ineligible for admission.
- Applicants must complete 43 hours of the required pre-nursing courses before admission.
- Provisional admission may be offered to applicants with no more than 12 outstanding prerequisite hours.
RN to BSN Articulation Concentration
- Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale on all previous nursing courses.
- A current, unencumbered Louisiana nursing license.
- A Certificate or an Associate Degree in Nursing achieved from an accredited college or university.
- Applicants must complete 57 hours of the pre-nursing courses or enrolled in the final semester of pre-nursing courses before applying to the program.
Early Admission Registered Nurse (EARN) Program
- Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale on all previous nursing courses
- Applicants must be in good standing and currently enrolled in Delgado Charity School of Nursing, Semester 2
- Applicants must complete 57 hours of the pre-nursing courses or enrolled in the final semester of pre-nursing courses before transitioning from the EARN to RNBSN Program.
Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Policy
The Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) requires a criminal background check on all traditional and CARE BSN students accepted into the BSN program. Background information and fingerprint cards must be completed and submitted to LSBN within the first month of enrollment. Depending on the results of the screening, LSBN determines if the student is allowed to enter the first clinical nursing course or if specific conditions are necessary for progression in the curriculum. Information on completing the requirements will be given to students after admission. RN to BSN students are approved by LSBN for initial licensure and annual licensure renewal. Level 1 background check (different from the LSBN criminal background check) and urine drug screen are admission requirements. The purpose of obtaining the background check and urine drug screen is to protect the public. Students are responsible for the background check and urine drug screen fees. Background checks and urine drug screens are ordered through either Certiphi and Premier. The School of Nursing conducts random drug screenings. Students are responsible for any/all random drug screening fees. Registration
All students must comply with the general Health Sciences Center provisions governing registration as specified in the general information section of the catalog/bulletin. Alternatives to Fulfilling Curriculum Requirements
Advanced Standing, Accelerated Program (AP), and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) A student who has competency and educational/experiential preparation may be permitted to take advanced standing examinations in specific courses, which, if passed with satisfactory grades, will enable the student to receive degree credit. Credit awarded by a university for advanced standing will receive a pass credit (P). A total of nine (9) pass credit hours will be recognized. A student may receive up to nine hours accelerated program (AP) and/or the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) course work. This credit cannot be used to reduce the minimum residence requirement. A student may not take an advanced standing examination in a course, which the student has audited, nor in which a grade has been earned. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). Nursing Courses A student expecting to challenge courses for advanced placement must contact the appropriate program director within eight weeks prior to the next registration date. Nursing courses must be challenged and completed prior to the time of registration. To obtain credit for courses challenged: - Admitted to the LSUHSC School of Nursing
- Have good academic standing
- Minimal GPA of 2.0
- Obtain permission from the Dean, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, or the Program Director
- Submit a fee of $100 per credit hour for courses with a clinical challenge component; $50 per credit hour for courses without a clinical challenge component
Faculty member responsibilities: - Administers the challenge exam
- Reports the challenge examination grade to the Office of Student Affairs
Students are responsible for all course content whether transferred, challenged, or waived. Transfer Credit Transcripts are required for all colleges or universities attended. Credits earned five or more years prior to transfer request are subject to reevaluation. Transcripts are evaluated by the appropriate Program Director. Courses considered for transfer credit from colleges or universities outside the LSU System must have a grade of C or better. Any course attempted more than two times, as documented on official transcript, will not be counted for credit. After students have earned half of the degree requirements, the Dean must approve any additional credits earned outside the LSU System. If the School of Nursing or the LSU System offers a course, the student must take the course within the LSU System Correspondence Courses - Students are allowed to take correspondence courses.
- Course(s) must be taken in the LSU System.
- Students must meet with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Nursing Programs for approval and completion of enrollment paperwork.
- Students are responsible for providing an official transcript with the grade received to the Office of Student Affairs no later than six (6) weeks after completion of the course and prior to graduation.
Time Limit for Degrees
Undergraduate students have six (6) years from the first time of registration to complete all conditions for the baccalaureate degree. Academic Progression
Each major component of a nursing course must be passed with a grade of “C” before the student can progress in the nursing course sequence. Competence in determining dosage and solution of medications is required for safe practice. The dosage and calculations component must be passed with the score specified in the course syllabus. The course syllabus has a description of the major components. Students are responsible for following the plan of study and meeting the grade requirements. All students are required to take a standardized examination each semester. A student withdrawing from a course may re-enter the course the next time it is offered, depending on eligibility and availability. A student may only register for each nursing or supporting course twice. A student withdrawing from a course after two weeks into the semester will receive a “W”. A student failing any two combinations of the nursing courses: NURS 2351, NURS 2362, NURS 2372, NURS 3351, NURS 3362, NURS 3372, NURS 3356, NURS 3366, NURS 3355, NURS 3365, NURS 3358, NURS 3368, NURS 4352, NURS 4362, NURS 4372, NURS 4357, NURS 4358, NURS 4359, and NURS 4369 may not continue in the baccalaureate program. If a nursing course is part of a cohort, (cohort courses are theory, practicum, and simulation/lab) failure of more than one course in the cohort in the same semester counts as one (1) failure. The cohort courses are: NURS 2371, NURS 2351, NURS 2362, and NURS 2372; NURS 3351, NURS 3362, and NURS 3372; NURS 3356 and NURS 3366; NURS 3355 and NURS 3365; NURS 3358 and NURS 3368; NURS 4352, NURS 4362, and NURS 4372; NURS 4357 and NURS 4358; NURS 4359 and NURS 4369. If a student drops one course in the cohort, all courses in the cohort must be dropped. The student must successfully complete the cohort course requirements the second time. A student failing a course must repeat the course in the LSU System. Satisfactory academic progression is met with the following criteria: - Full-time BSN students could meet graduation criteria in four (4) years. Part-time students’ graduation criteria are based upon the percentage of coursework completed. The time granted for leave of absences is not included in the maximum time period for program completion.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.0.
Academic progression is evaluated at the end of each semester. Policy and Procedure for Petitions
Students may petition for a change or alteration in curriculum requirements for the following reasons: - Substitution of one course for another course where sufficient evidence is present that the course being substituted meets the intent of the required course
- Alteration in admission, progression, or graduation requirements
- Request a challenge exam, correspondence course, or transfer credit
- Transfer from one concentration to another
- Readmission for students within two semesters of discontinued date
The program director must review and sign the petition. The completed petition is returned to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). The Admission, Graduation, and Progression (AP&G) committee will act on the petition and send a written response to the student. All petitions must be submitted to AP&G no later than one month prior to registration in order to be effective for registration. Full Time Study
Full-time enrollment is twelve hours during a regular academic semester and six hours for the summer semester. Credit hours to clinical ratio for BSN is 3:1. Scholarships
Several scholarship funds are available for eligible candidates. Students must meet the specific scholarship criteria. The OSA and LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Student Financial Aid Office (LSUHSC-NO SFAO) provides scholarship information and contact sources. Students should direct scholarship inquiries to the OSA and LSUHSC-NO SFAO for initiation and/or processing of the scholarship application. Jo Ellen Smith Scholarship - The Jo Ellen Smith Foundation awards scholarships on a competitive basis. Students must complete a formal application for scholarship funds. Applications forms are available in the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Services and the New Orleans Foundation website. The Suzanne Theriot Scholarship Fund - Friends and family of the late Suzanne Theriot have made contributions to the LSUHSC Foundation to establish a scholarship in her memory. The amount of the annual award will not exceed the yearly earnings of the Fund. This scholarship will be awarded to a baccalaureate nursing student who exhibits high scholastic potential and who is in need of financial assistance as funds become available. The T.H. Harris Scholarship - Available to full time students who earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and had a scholarship award on a previous campus, for the two semesters of the Freshman year. Students who earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 every semester thereafter may continue the scholarship, for a total of four years, if they maintain full time status. The LSUHSC Nursing Alumni Scholarship - Awarded to a final year nursing student with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and based on financial need. The Lori Norton Scholarship- Friends and Family of the late Lori Norton have made contributions to the LSUHSC Foundation to establish a scholarship in her memory. The amount of the annual award will not exceed the yearly earnings of the fund. This scholarship will be awarded to an entering baccalaureate nursing student with a GPA of 3.0 or above and exhibits a need for financial assistance (currently not receiving any grant funding). The Laura Ryan Endowment Scholarship - The family of the late Laura Ryan has established a endowment fund with the LSUHSC Foundation to establish a scholarship in her memory. The amount of the annual award will not exceed the yearly earnings of the fund. This scholarship will be awarded to an entering baccalaureate nursing student with a GPA of 3.0 or above and exhibits a need for financial assistance (currently not receiving any grant funding). Nursing School Scholars Scholarship - Provides scholarship assistance to an entering baccalaureate nursing student with a GPA of 3.0 or above and exhibits a need for financial assistance (currently not receiving any grant funding). The amount of the annual award will not exceed the yearly earnings of the fund. Sandra W. Northup, R.N. Memorial Scholarship - Provides scholarship assistance to an entering nursing student who has financial need as funds become available. The Jenni Haston, RN Memorial Scholarship - Must have senior standing during academic year, in academic good standing, and intend to focus on behavioral health nursing or nursing care. Tuition Opportunity Programs For Students - Available to graduating high school students with a 2.5 GPA and a minimum ACT score of 20. Students must have taken a TOPS core curriculum. The Air Force, Army, and Navy ROTC Nursing Programs - A comprehensive program of studies through which a student can qualify to be commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force, Army or Navy, the National Guard or the Reserve is available to students in the baccalaureate program. These scholarship programs provide a variety of funding support: tuition, fees, textbooks, and subsistence. Admission is conditional on meeting academic, physical and age requirements as well as approval from the branch of service selected. Physical training is an integral part of the ROTC Program. For further information about the Army, Air Force or Navy ROTC Programs offered to LSUHSC School of Nursing students, contact the appropriate ROTC office-Air Force (504) 865-5394; Army (504) 865-5594; Navy (504) 865-5104. Methodist Health System Foundation Scholarship - The Methodist Health System Foundation offers scholarships to students who are enrolled as a student in the LSU Health Sciences Center School of Nursing in either the traditional or CARE BSN program, in their first semester in the school of nursing,a resident of New Orleans East, St. Bernard, or Gentilly, minimumg rade point average of 3.0, must demonstrate a financial need, and consider employmentt in the Greater New Orleans area. Baccalaureate Scholastic Requirements
The value of each course and graduation requirements are stated in terms of semester hours. One credit hour represents one hour of class per week. Each laboratory course represents two hours per week per one credit hour. Each practicum course represents three hours per week per one credit hour. Grading Policy
- “A”, “B”, or “C” is earned for satisfactory work. “D” or “F” is earned for unsatisfactory work. Numerical grades are not rounded.
A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 77-84 D = 65-76 F = 0-64 - “W” (withdrawal) is issued for withdrawing from a course after the first 14 days of class.
- “F” is earned for withdrawing after the specified “Drop/Withdrawal” deadline.
- “D” or “F” earned in a supporting or nursing course must be repeated in the LSU System.
- A minimum grade of “77 = C” is required in all nursing courses for progression.
- Incomplete coursework results in an “I”. An “I” is earned for extenuating circumstances; the Dean must approve. If not approved, an “F” is earned. The student must initiate the request. ”I” grades are converted to “F” if not removed prior to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. The “I” is converted to a letter grade once the course is completed.
- All unsafe and/or incompetent behavior must follow the process:
Instructors: - Discussion with student
- Written statement to course coordinator
- Course coordinator will discuss with Program Director
Students: - Referred for a formal evaluation and treatment
- Required to repeat the course to progress in the curriculum and/or administratively withdrawn from the program
Standards for Grade Point Averages
The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is determined by the ratio of quality points earned to the number of semester hours. Quality points are assigned to letter grades as follows: - A - Four quality points
- B - Three quality points
- C - Two quality points
- D - One quality point
- F - No quality points
These grades are used to determine the student’s academic status. - Cumulative GPA - calculated with initial enrollment and based on transferred credits from other institutions. Additional credits are calculated after each semester of enrollment.
- Academic good standing - 2.0 or above
- Academic probation - below 2.0; students have one term to achieve academic good standing
- LSU System GPA - earned from enrolled nursing or LSU System courses
- Academic good standing - 2.0 or above
- Academic probation - below 2.0; students have one term to achieve academic good standing
- Term GPA - earned from courses completed in the current semester.
- Academic good standing - 2.0 or above
- Academic probation - below 2.0; students have one term to achieve academic good standing
- Dean’s List - 3.5 or above (Fall and Spring semesters)
Academic Probation
- A student on academic probation has one semester to obtain a Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher on all nursing coursework within probationary term.
- A student failing to earn at least a 2.0 Cumulative or Term GPA at the end of the academic probation semester or summer term, will be administratively dropped from the School of Nursing.
Students must meet the following program specific degree requirements. - Satisfactory completion of 120 semester hours as specified in the curriculum.
- Fulfillment of the required 60 semester hours of upper division credit designated by 3000-4000 level courses.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher (on all college work attempted and all work attempted at the LSU Health Sciences Center) with no grade in pre-nursing, supporting or nursing courses below C.
- In residence for a minimum of 30 semester hours. The last 30 hours must be completed in residence.
- Approval by the Admissions, Progression and Graduation (AP&G) committee and given recommendation by the faculty of the School of Nursing.
- Attendance at rehearsal, pre-commencement and commencement unless specifically excused by the Dean.
- Completion of end of course evaluations, exit survey, and all components of compliance training.
- Verification that all materials belonging to the Health Sciences Center and cooperating agencies have been returned through the proper procedures. All indebtedness to the University must be satisfied before a diploma may be issued. These materials would include but not limited to, items such as library books, equipment, keys, furniture or any outstanding, unpaid balances due.
- The Program Director will conduct a graduation audit to verify that all graduation requirements are met one (1) year before expected graduation date. Request for Legal Name Change Form and verification documents are due for name changes/potential name change to the Registrar’s Office one (1) month after the semester begins. Contact the Registrar’s Office for the form: registrar@lsuhsc.edu.
Degrees with Honors
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees are awarded summa cum laude to students whose grade point averages fall within the range of 3.960 to 4.000, magna cum laude to students whose grade point averages fall within the range of 3.860 to 3.959, and cum laude to students whose grade point averages fall within the range of 3.760 to 3.859 (LSU System GPA). In determining eligibility for degrees awarded summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude, at least 75 percent of the credits required for graduation in the particular curriculum of the candidate must have been earned in the LSU System. Only credits earned in the LSU System shall be used in calculating qualification. Additional Expenses
- Advanced standing examination fee.
- Uniforms (~$150.00 for Traditional and CARE programs, $40 for RNBSN program).
- Purchase of a wristwatch with second hand, stethoscope, scissors, penlight, protective goggles, and hemostat for Traditional and CARE programs.
- Books and school supplies (~ $4,000.00 for Traditional and CARE programs, $1000 for RNBSN program).
- Standardized exam at the completion of each semester (~$615.00 one time fee for Traditional and CARE programs).
- Public transportation is available to most hospitals and health agencies. Personal transportation is recommended. Transportation and related travel expenses are the responsibility of the student.
- Computer system that is compatible with the LSUHSC computing equipment with a webcam
- High level background check, (~ $80.00), urine drug screen (~$40.00), Malpractice Insurance (~$40.00), Immunization Tracker (~$40.00)
- Titers for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B (depends on health insurance carrier).
- Tuberculosis Skin Test (PPD) annually or health screening if previous positive TB Skin test (depends on health insurance carrier).
- Needlestick Insurance (~$18.02)
- Supply bag (~360.00 for Traditional and CARE programs)
- For graduating students, graduation fee ($25.00), cap and gown fee ($54.99), and nursing pin (approximately $60.00).
- NCLEX-RN review course (~$350.00)
- Expenses related to Application for Registered Nurse licensure - Fee for criminal record check ($46.25), NCLEX fee ($200.00), and Louisiana State fee (~$100.00 for Traditional and CARE programs).
- LSBN application to enter clinical courses (~$90.75 for Traditional and CARE programs).
- Random drug testing (~$40.00); additional fees apply for repeat testing.